Clown Luigi Pasticcione

“When all the masks I have put on myself fall away, only love remains. For me, the clown is the mastery of my life, because it’s about becoming naive again, innocent, vulnerable, open to be surprised and at the same time empty as a blank paper and to be seen. When I’m courages enough to really be myself and let the others see into the core of my heart than there’s the possibility also for the other to be seen.. Then we are in contact – than there’s just one joy and no separation”.- Luigi Pasticcione 

Currently I’m working as a Medical Clown at Lachen Hilft e.V in Potsdam/Berlin

Luigi the Clown
Rosine Rakete Luigi
2003 – 2006:
Staatl. Aka. d. bildenden Künste, Stuttgart / painting – Prof. Dreyer/Opiolka. 
2005 – 2006:
Accademia Di Belle Arti Di Brera, Milano / Illustration – Prof. Italo Chiodi
 2006 – 2008:
Freelance artist in Milano Italy 
2008 – 2012:
Training as clinical art therapist and psych. counselor in Berlin 
 Internship Charité Berlin, ward for psychosomatics. 
2022 – 2023:
Clown training with Clown Andreas Hartmann / Klinikclown BTK / Elbenberg
– ClownX Workshops: Avner Eisenberg, Moshe Cohen, Patrick v. Den Boom, Jeff Raz, Jef Johnson, Michelle Matlock, Ira Seidenstein, Olivier-Hugues Terreault, Sky De Sela.
2015 – 2021:
 Seasonal supervisor of children’s clubs at resorts with TUI Austria. 
   & Peter Pan Mira Hotels Sardinia Animation in Oristano
Training as a state-approved educator / Montessori / Waldorf/ Bi-Lingual 
– Educator in different kindergartens 
Head of the kindergarten of the Swiss International School Friedrichshafen
Klinikum: Friedrichshafen, art therapist psychosomatic pediatrics 
Freelance author and Illustrator, children’s book. 


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